Monday, 3 April 2017

Driver caught on dashcam throwing Rolo wrapper from car window given £80 fine

A driver has had an £80 fine handed out to them after being caught throwing a Rolo wrapper out of their car window in Somerset.

Another motorist reported the litterer after the incident was captured on their dashcam.  The driver handed the film footage to South Somerset District Council, the offender was then found using the offending car's number plate.

After being invited in for an interview under caution, the offender admitted to throwing litter from their car and has now been issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of £80 for the offence.

Councillor Carol Goodall, portfolio holder for environmental health said: "This is a great example of how modern technology is helping local authorities tackle issues such as littering and that if you are willing to commit an offence in public, you'll ultimately pay the price.

"If you see others throwing litter from a car, let the district council know and if possible tell us where it was thrown from and how many people were in the vehicle."

Under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, it is an offence to drop or leave litter on the floor, and this includes cigarette butts.

Dropping litter can result in a Fixed Penalty Notice being issued.

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